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Dasvi” is an upcoming Hindi comedy film directed by Tushar Jatola, written by Ritesh Shah and produced by Dinesh Vijayan. The film threw actors including Abhishek Bachchan, Yami Gautam, and Kaur Nimat. Other actors include Arun Khushwah, Manu Rishi, Shivankit Singh Parishar, Shakti Singh, Shivam Roy Prabhakar, and Sumit Shekar Rai.
Details of the story of an uneducated politician who wants to clean his 12th class while in prison. Abhishek will be seen as the head of an uneducated minister in the film. The “Dasvi” storyline sounds quite interesting. The film trailer has come out and the film will be released on April 1, 2022.
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